How it all began.
Rabbi Eli Teitelbaum, z”l was the founder of the Torah Communications Network in 1982.
There are individuals who stand out from the rest of us in some unique fashion. Rabbi Eli Teitelbaum A’H’ was such a person. Among Rabbi Teitelbaum’s many accomplishments was being beloved Rebbe to hundreds of Talmidim. He introduced the Kesser Shem Tov Award in Yeshivos and Day Schools; acknowledging boys who excelled in Middos. He was also the founder and director of Camp Sdei Chemed International, an American Style camp in Eretz Yisroel.
What may be his greatest accomplishment was founding the Torah Communications Network, also known as Dial-A-Daf. Seeing the need to make the learning of Daf Yomi more available to people who either can’t or don’t have the time to attend a shiur, making it available over the phone seemed like a solution to the problem. And it was.
It didn’t take long, Maggidei Shiur were hired, and hundreds of phone lines were installed, attached them to tape recorders, and the plan was set into place. With the help of Chaim Boruch Halberstam, the chief engineer of the project, the wires got properly connected, and the tape recorders were playing the Daf of the day and every hour on the hour the shiur replayed itself.
As technology progressed, the tape recorders were replaced with computers. With all the advantages of computer technology, the program starting growing, making all of Shas available at the push of a button. The TorahPhone program began to grow with all of its unique pushbutton features, bringing a variety of shiurim to everyone in the household.
The computerized TorahPhone program, designed and maintained by Dr. Chaim Ziegler, has bought many thousands to be part of a learning experience they might have never had.
All from the vision of Rabbi Eli Teitelbaum, Yihei Zichro Boruch.