The Dial-A-Daf series of the complete Shas in MP3 audio
This set of cd’s contains all the audio shiurim (lectures) from the Dial-a-Daf series. There are 40 cd’s to the set. Set #1 covers Mesechta Brochos through Kidushing. Set #2 covers Mesechta Bava Kama through Niddah. They can be downloaded onto any MP3 player, played in a cd drive in a car with an MP3 drive, or played in a portable MP3 cd player.
MP3 CD player, no computer required.
The following Maggidei Shiur contribute to the Dial-A-Daf English series:
Rav Yisroel Belsky Z”L
Rav Shimon Bertman
Rav Moshe Brown
Rav Zev Cohen
Rav Moshe Eisemann
Rav Yitzchak Isbe Z”L
Rav Moshe Tuvia Lieff
Rav Noach Isaac Oelbaum
Rav Label Resnick
Rav Fishel Schachter
Rav Label Shapiro
Rav Meir Schwab
Rav Nosson Scherman
Rav Shimon Werner
Rav Yisroel Rackowsky
Rav Menachem Zupnik
The following Maggidei Shiur contribute to the Dial-A-Daf Yiddish series:
Rav Nochum Bergman
Rav Mordechai Gellis
Rav Yaakov Horowitz
Rav Yisroel Rackowsky
Rav Yaakov Dovid Schweitzer
Rav Michel Silber